
Bryan Fagan Law Office

Attorney Profile

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Rachel Tsafantakis


Rachel Tsafantakis is a seasoned Paralegal at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, boasting extensive experience and a wealth of knowledge in her field. Originally from Deer Park in the Houston area, Rachel holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Studies, an Associates Degree, and various certifications, including Advanced LRW and Paralegal. Her dedication to helping others extends beyond her professional role, as she actively engages in animal advocacy during her free time. Rachel's resilience is evident in her journey, having overcome stage 2 breast cancer, which has shaped her character and fueled her commitment to personal and professional growth. Known for her resourcefulness and sociable nature, Rachel continues to inspire those around her with her determination and empathy. She looks forward to furthering her education at South Texas, continuing her mission to make a positive impact in the legal field and beyond.


Rachel Tsafantakis boasts extensive experience as a Paralegal at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, showcasing a remarkable blend of expertise and passion in her role. Hailing from the Houston area, specifically Deer Park, Rachel holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Studies, an associate degree, and a slew of certifications, including Advanced LRW and Paralegal. Beyond her professional pursuits, she unwinds with activities like reading, crafting, and tending to her occasional gardening endeavors. Rachel’s household includes her 16-year-old son, Drisdan, and three beloved dogs – Boykin, Lanie, and Layla. Her entrance into the legal realm is fueled by an authentic desire to aid others, with a particular focus on animal advocacy.

Rachel’s path has been marked by resilience, triumphing over stage 2 breast cancer in recent years. This formidable journey has molded her character, providing profound insights into her inner strength. Renowned among peers for her resourcefulness, charm, and sociable demeanor, Rachel continues to inspire those in her circle. Looking ahead, Rachel nurtures aspirations of completing her education at South Texas, underscoring her enduring commitment to personal and professional advancement. Her narrative epitomizes determination, empathy, and an unwavering dedication to effecting positive change within the legal sphere and beyond.